Saint Nicholas of Serbia once said that the value of a person is equal to the number of people who cannot live without his care.
This is the leitmotif of the film, which tells about the spiritual service of Metropolitan Theodosius (Snigirev) of Cherkassy and Kanev, his participation in the destinies of people, many of whom, having met the bishop, found their way to God.
Running time: 31 min.
Production: Ukraine – 2021
Creative team
Scriptwriter: Kirill Ulyatovsky
Director: Kirill Ulyatovsky
Operator: Kirill Ulyatovsky
Sound engineer: Kirill Ulyatovsky
Composer: Kirill Ulyatovsky
Producer: Kirill Ulyatovsky
About the author

Kirill Ulyatovsky was born on October 22, 1988 in the city of Izmail in Ukraine. He first showed himself as a director and cameraman at the age of 19. Author of two feature films and several documentaries. The main theme of the author’s film works is Orthodoxy.
Selected filmography
2020 – “Fiery”
2017 – “Zakharych”
2013 – “Return”
2009 – “Danubie. The historical path of Orthodoxy”